星期三, 8月 31, 2011

openSUSE 11.4 with GNOME3 安裝小記

今天把 Desktop 重新安裝 openSUSE with GNOME 3


利用 One Click Install 安裝 GNOME 3

另外要於社群套件庫內加入 nVidia Graphics Drivers 套件庫
這樣 GNOME 3 的顯示才會正常

利用  Shell script 增加台灣這邊的套件庫
並調整優先性為 98, 預設是 99, 數字愈小愈優先

echo "Print the rep  in use"
zypper  lr -u

#Define openSUSE Version
VERSION=`cat /etc/SuSE-release | grep VERSION | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
echo "This openSUSE version is $VERSION"

echo "Add Taiwan's rep "

## for OSS
zypper ar -f http://ftp.twaren.net/Linux/OpenSuSE/distribution/$VERSION/repo/oss/  Twaren-Oss
#zypper ar -f http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/$VERSION/repo/non-oss/ suse_non-oss
#zypper ar -f http://ftp.ncnu.edu.tw/Linux/opensuse/distribution/$VERSION/repo/non-oss/ ncnu_non-oss
zypper mr   -p  98  Twaren-Oss

## for Non-OSS
#zypper ar -f http://ftp.cse.yzu.edu.tw/pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/$VERSION/repo/non-oss/  cse_non-oss
zypper  ar -f http://ftp.twaren.net/Linux/OpenSuSE/distribution/$VERSION/repo/non-oss/ Twaren-Non-oss
zypper  mr   -p  98  Twaren-Non-oss

## for update
#zypper ar http://ftp.twaren.net/Linux/OpenSuSE/update/$VERSION/repodata/  twaren_update
zypper  ar -f http://ftp.twaren.net/Linux/OpenSuSE/update/$VERSION/  Twaren-Update
#zypper ar -f http://download.opensuse.org/update/$VERSION/  suse_update
zypper  mr  -p  98  Twaren-Update

## for Pacman Rep
zypper  ar -f http://ftp.nchc.org.tw/Linux/Packman/suse/$VERSION/ NCHC-Pacman
#zypper ar -f http://ftp.twaren.net/Linux/Packman/suse/$VERSION/ twaren_packman
zypper  mr  -p  98  NCHC-Pacman

## for gcin swyear
zypper   ar   obs://home:swyear/openSUSE_$VERSION swyear
zypper   mr   -p  98  swyear

Step 3: 利用 Script 新增套件

# refresh repo and import keys
zypper  --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh
# update packages  -y  yes  -l auto_agree
zypper  update -y -l

zypper  install -y -l MPlayer smplayer smplayer-lang
zypper  install -y -l pidgin emesene
zypper  install -y -l gcin gcin-gtk3-immodule
zypper  install -y -l libpng12-0
wget http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-beta-suse
rpm -ivh skype-*.rpm

Step4: 手動安裝其他套件

*  dropbox  與 nautilus-dropbox

*  Google Chrome
-- http://www.google.com/chrome

*  VMWare ( 需要 gcc 還有 kernel-desktop  kernel-deskop-devel )
-- http://www.vmware.com/download

*  Universal Uploader (fireuploader) for Firefox ( Flickr 上傳使用 )
-- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/universal-uploader-fireuploade/


enjoy it ~~
