星期二, 10月 04, 2011

extundelete -- a utility that can recover deleted files from an ext3 or ext4 partition.

在  ext3 或是 ext4 上面復原的軟體
雖然不見得能夠 100 % 還原, 但是可以當成是一種解法

extundelete 是參考 ext3grep 的一個專案, 來還原已經被刪除的檔案



extundelete is a utility that can recover deleted files from an ext3 or ext4 partition. The ext3 file system is the most common file system when using Linux, and ext4 is its successor. extundelete uses the information stored in the partition's journal to attempt to recover a file that has been deleted from the partition. There is no guarantee that any particular file will be able to be undeleted, so always try to have a good backup system in place, or at least put one in place after recovering your files!


可以從官方網站下載  source code 安裝

當然也可以透過 openSUSE one click install 來進行單鍵安裝



假設要還原的資料在 /data
可以嘗試 刪除測試用的檔案

先 umount 該磁區 例如資料在  /dev/sdb1 掛載於  /data

簡單的方式 可以使用 --restore-all 的方式來進行
這個時候 extundelete 會在目前的目錄下建立一個 RECOVERED_FILES 目錄

#extundelete   /dev/sdb1   --restore-all

再到 RECOVERED_FILES 目錄尋找相關檔案即可

如果不想還原全部, 也可以使用   --restor-file 指定 某個檔案

#extundelete /dev/sdb1 --restore-file ineshome.tar.gz

再到 RECOVERED_FILES 目錄尋找相關檔案即可

enjoy it ~
